Everything You Need to Know About Laser Hair Removal: Advantages, Steps, Advice, And More

Laser hair removal treatment is a non-intrusive process used to remove unwanted hair from places such as the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarms, bikini line, and other areas. The method uses a focused beam of light. It involves penetrating the hair follicles with highly intense light. The pigment in the hair shaft absorbs the laser light, heating up and harming the follicle and stopping the formation of new hair. There are various laser hair removal techniques, including but not limited to alexandrite laser hair removal, diode hair removal, and ruby laser hair reduction.

According to statistics by Cosmopolitan, 90% of people experience permanent reduction in hair growth if they go through with the recommended number of sessions.   Have we piqued your interest yet? Want to know before you start taking steps in this direction? We have you covered with a comprehensive guide that will help you decide.

Before we start talking about how you can enjoy going hair-free, let's look at the benefits of laser hair removal.

Pros Of Laser Hair Removal

It Hits the Right Spots: Perhaps the number one reason why so many people are starting to choose laser hair treatment is that it is exact. If you have been to a salon for a waxing session only to find out later that the waxing lady missed a spot, we understand your pain! Fortunately, since the laser is so precise, the doctor or technician won't miss one hair follicle.

It Thins the Hair: Heating the hair follicles with a laser causes them to stop producing new hairs. In contrast to shaving and waxing, this causes the hair follicles to go into a stable state of dormancy. The hair will eventually regrow, but it will be lighter, finer, and less in quantity.

It Provides a Solution for Ingrown Hair: Since hair grows from follicles, laser technology helps remove hairs directly where they are. Ingrown hairs can develop from shaving or waxing since it removes hairs from the skin's surface. Since the best laser hair removal clinic in Luton ensures that every strand is eliminated at the follicle, there's no chance of ingrowth.

Other benefits of laser treatment are that it is less painful, lasts longer, and is quicker than conventional methods.

Steps Of Laser Treatment for Hair

Look For a Certified Physician: Inexperienced hands using laser hair removal could be deadly. There is a chance of burns, scars, and long-lasting skin color changes. By having your treatment carried out by a medical professional with extensive experience utilising lasers and knowledge of the skin, you can significantly lower the risk of any side effects. Your dermatologist should be board-certified if you want laser treatments.

Stay Out of The Sun: Before we discuss this point, it is best to clear the common misconception that laser hair removal treatment only works with light skin and dark hair. According to a 2011 study, 86% of people whose complexion ranged from golden brown to dark brown had no complications when the Nd: YAG laser was used. So if you are dark-skinned, ask your doctor to look into the effectiveness of using alexandrite, diode, or Nd: YAG lasers.

However, whatever your skin type or tone, you must stay out of the sun six weeks before and after the laser treatment. This is because the sun's rays will burn your skin and interfere with the procedure's effectiveness. If you go out, protect yourself with plenty of SPF 30+ sunscreen and wear protective material.

Avoid Hair Removal Methods: While using trimmers or shavers before the treatment, you should avoid doing anything that disrupts the hair follicles. Procedures such as electrolysis and waxing tend to irritate and disturb hair follicles, so you must avoid getting them at least four to six weeks before your laser session.

What To Expect During & After Your Sessions

The area where you want to be hair-free will be cleaned before beginning. The doctor may also advise their assistant or technician to shave the area, so it's easier for the laser treatment to begin.

A numbing gel is given to some patients. When treating a tiny area where the skin is extremely sensitive, numbing the area to be treated is helpful. A numbing gel takes about 30 to 60 minutes to take effect.

The best laser hair removal treatment will take place in a space designed exclusively for laser procedures. During the process, safety glasses must be worn by everyone in the room. The skin is pulled taut throughout the treatment, and a laser is used to treat the skin. Many patients claim that when the laser pulses hit their skin, they feel like warm pinpricks or like a rubber band being snapped.

You will lose hair over a few days to weeks rather than immediately. As hair follicles naturally grow and fall out in cycles, it is frequently required to receive repeated treatments. Laser treatment is most effective when applied to follicles that are just beginning to grow.

It is difficult to predict the results because they vary widely. For most people, hair removal lasts for several months, sometimes even years. But the permanent eradication of hair is not guaranteed by laser hair removal. Usually finer and lighter in color, regrown hair is thinner.

For lasting hair reduction, you may require maintenance laser sessions.

Precautions To Take After Laser Hair Removal

As mentioned before, all patients must shield their skin from the sun to prevent any adverse effects. Here are a few crucial precautions you should take once your laser hair removal treatment session is complete.

·         Keep your treated skin out of the direct sun

·         Not using a sunlamp, tanning bed, or any other indoor tanning apparatus

·         Observe your dermatologist's aftercare recommendations

After treatment, you can have some edema and redness. Frequently, this resembles a minor sunburn. Applying a cool compress may help you feel more comfortable.

Final Thoughts

You can't afford to avoid getting laser hair removal because it has many advantages and helps Optimized Body & Mind. Investing in this procedure will be worthwhile since it may remove hair painlessly, stop growth, and improve self-confidence.